25 April 2010

The volcanic cloud that brought much of the world’s air traffic to a standstill last week is a “sign from Hashem”, stated the Shomrei Emunim Rebbe Shlita, as quoted in the weekly BaKehilla newspaper.
The Rebbe stated that this year, the strength of the 70 nations will wane, warning the United States, Europe and other nations that their anti-Israel policies and demands that construction halt in Yerushalayim will have dire consequences, and the volcanic cloud “is just a warning”.
He singled out Germany, which has established itself as an economic power, and suddenly, its ports were shut and new realities exist. The Rebbe stated that everything closed up, a “punishment from Shomayim, one that is fitting”.
The Rebbe added that in the upcoming period, Eretz Yisrael will require a large measure of Heavenly mercy, expressing his hope that we merit this.
Speaking to his Chassidim on Wednesday night following kiddush levana, the Rebbe spoke of those who have Internet in their homes, warning it brings one down and it is questionable if one can do tshuva, the daily HaMevaser reported.
After kiddush levana at his beis medrash on Sfas Emes Street in Bnei Brak, the Rebbe held a l’chaim tisch as his is tradition. The Rebbe spoke of the situation in the world today, the skies of Europe and the 70 nations, warning those who have Internet in their homes will have difficult returning to tshuva. He praised those who resist temptation and do not have Internet in their homes, stating in this merit they will be privileged to raise holy G-d fearing children.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
The Great Miracle of the Volcano Shutdown