Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Some rhetorical and not-so-rhetorical questions

Some rhetorical and not-so-rhetorical questions

What's the difference between the Tzelem Elokim and the Yetzer HaTov and the Nefesh Elokis?

Do non-Jews have three partners in their conception - their biological mother, their biological father and HaShem Himself?

Are we all Offspring of HaShem, regardless of whether or not we choose to behave like it?

Are non-Jews created in the image of Elokim?

Can a non-Jew activate his/her "Good Imagination" by becoming a Noachide and/or Repentant Stranger?

Does a Noachide or Repentant Stranger have a Nefesh Elokis?

Were the souls of what were to become non-Jews once part of the Adam Kadmon?

Jews and other non-Muslims have been the victims of the Islamic concept of Dhimmitude run amok. Does Judaism teach that non-Jews ought to be viewed and treated as being "dhimmi" and/or as second class citizens and/or as sub-humans in the Divine Economy?

1 comment:

  1. Rabbi Gutman Locks fielded the above questions here:

    How Does the Non-Jew Fit Into the Spiritual Picture?

    I highly recommend the books written by Rabbi Gutman Locks and his websites:


    Rabbi Akiva of Mystical Paths sent me his response in private. It too was most helpful and informative. I also recommend his blog and website:

