Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Greek Priest: I Do Not Hate Jews

Greek Priest: I Do Not Hate Jews

by Elad Benari

After previously making anti-Semitic comments on a Greek television program, the Metropolite of Piraeus, Seraphim, has issued a letter of clarification.

In the letter, which was written on December 23 and appeared last week on the website, Seraphim seeks to clarify that he does not hate Jews (recognizing that Jesus was born a Jew) but claims that the Jews have since been lead into Satanism by the teachings of the Talmud, the Rabbis and the Kabbalah. He also says that Zionism is a conspiracy to take over the world....


CRAZY SMADE WRITES - This is beyond sad and pathetic! And people wonder why I can't tolerate X-tianity and hate living amongst X-tians? And don't give me that, this was just one man's opinion or that this is limited to particular branch of X-tianity. Fact is, these feelings and beliefs are so wide spread that I can no longer stand living amongst the Non-Jews. These people can go paint a target on themselves and leave me out of the Divine Wrath that's about to fall upon them!

A plot to take over the world!? The Jews can't even take over their own country, thanks to the constant k'vetching on the Nations! But, these haters can just keep the lashon hara coming, because each time the turn and bark at Klal Yisrael ... HaShem adds to the wealth of the Jews by ruling in their favor in the Heavenly Court.

And others wonder why I want to convert to Judaism and why I want to throw my lot in with Klal Yisrael!? They wonder why I'm tired with living in a culture that is dedicated to hatred and death?

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