Thursday, January 6, 2011

I would convert....

I would convert...

My response to a recent post on the Mystical Paths blog:

First off, if one is asking these kinds of questions about a system of emunah (or hashkafa), then why bring up conversion at all!?!?!? It doesn't make any sense! Judaism is not a COUNTRY CLUB! I find the individual asking these questions highly suspect!

It's like saying, "I'd love to eat a nice, thick steak dinner, but I'm a vegetarian and I don't believe that animals should be killed!"

Okay, I give R' Locks full points for being a mensch and a disciple of Aaron and for not taking Shammai's measuring rod and beating this person over the head with it.

That said, I certainly hope that R' Locks isn't really saying here that one should find a spiritual path among the Nations, but that's what it sounds like to me....

That's a death sentence for one who is truly seeking emes and tikkun nefesh and Derech HaShem! Noachidism isn't to be found in the religions and belief-systems and customs of the Nations! What!? I'm suppose to be an X-tian Noachide or a Muslim Noachide or a Hindu Noachide or a Wiccan Noachide...?

That's like saying, "If you want to learn all about Ahavas Yisrael, then look to Amalek for instruction and guidance!"

The only ones qualified to teach Noachidism and mussar and Derech HaShem to a Gentile are THE JEWS!

I'm sorry, R' Locks, but you and the rest of Klal Yisrael are stuck with the task of being ohr l'goyim.

No, you don't have to accept converts, but neither can you dismiss a genuine Ger Toshav. Why turn a true Noachide over to the wolves (i.e., Amalek, the Nations)...? Why banish such a person to some spiritual rest home in Boca Raton, Florida!?

There are some of us who don't like the Galus anymore than you do! Why doom such a person to live in a social system that he/she simply isn't equipped to fix!?

You know something.... All dogs descend from wolves and yet, there are some dogs which have been bred and trained to view a herd of sheep as being members of it's pack. So, why on earth would a good shepherd chase off such a dog and leave him to the company of wolves!? Where's the logic and justice and stewartship in that!?!?!?

Sorry, but this post really stuck a nerve. I'm tired of being patted on the head by Jews and told to run along and play with the other Gentiles. Who wants to feel patronized? Who wants to feel like they're being given the bum's rush!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the baby-steps approach can lead one to teshuvah and Derech HaShem.

    This holds true for Jews and non-Jews alike. That's why I view Noachidism as a means to an end and not merely an end. One mitzvah (done with joy, of course!) will lead to another and thereby take the individual from one madraigah (step/terrace) to the next.

    I apologize for having gone overboard with my Noachide rant. I truly mean no disrespect. At times, I just feel like we non-Jews are being patted on the head and told to go play with Amalek and leave the Jews alone. Who likes to feel patronized?

    True, I'm not worthy (eini k'dai), and I dare say that most of us Gentiles aren't cut out to be good Noachides, let alone converts, but a few of us do have this deep and abiding desire to become a Ger Toshav, if not a Ger Tzedek.

    I was listening to Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro's shiur on Derech HaShem the other day and he says that Reb Moshe says like this, "(Siz shver tzu sein a yid? It's hard to be a Jew?) No! It's not HARD to be a Jew! It's hard NOT to be a Jew! It's hard to be a Goy! It's not HARD to be frum! It's hard NOT to be frum! It's hard to live a meaningless, purposeless, structureless, directionless life. It's hard to live a life knowing that you have nothing to look forward to except the grave!"

    Personally, my own journey toward Judaism has brought me a great deal of fulfillment, but also no end of conflict, which is why I empathize so much with baalei teshuva, especially those who've lost so much and been cut off by their family and/or so-called friends.

    So, to see (or at least get the impression) that a righteous Jew is holding up his/her hand to stop you and tell you, "Hold your horses, Mr. Noachide! Just where do you think you're going? You don't have to go down this road toward Judaism. You just pull over and park yourself right there"....

    If you hear this too often ... it can break your heart and maybe even your spirit. I get enough rejection from my own. I don't need it from the Y'hudim too. Remain a simple Noachide? Continue living with and working for Amalek? Heaven forbid!
