Well, this song perfectly reflects my current mood and my present crisis.
Carry Away
From: bianca100992 | May 15, 2010
There's no way out
Of a spiral down
The fire comes bearing down bearing down
There's nothing higher
Than a burning bush
The troubles are carried with my mind
A river's running through my legs
I'm tired of all these false illusions
Carry away my mind
Carry away the pain
Carry away reality for just a minute
And carry away my crimes
Carry them away
Cause i don't wanna feel this anymore
There's nothing worse
Than the things you feel
The numbness spreading through your body at night
The soundless screams
Fill up your head
As nightmares take over the world in your mind
The rivers running faster and I'm tired
Of living with illusions
Carry away my mind
Carry away the pain
Carry away reality for just a minute
And carry away my crimes
Carry them away
Cause i don't wanna feel this anymore
There's nothing there nothing there to take me home
Nothing there nothing there to make me
Feel the things i should be feeling
Instead of things i feel I'm needing
Nothing there nothing there to give me hope
Nothing there nothing there
To make me whole again theres nothing left
In time i know you'll all forget
my life
The river dragged me under
And I'm tired of living this illusion
Carry away my mind
Carry away the pain
Carry away reality for just a minute
And carry away my crimes
Carry them away
Cause i don't wanna feel this anymore
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?
Today? I'm Spock - a focused advisor whose actions are dictated by almost pure logic, you believe in exploring the fascinating possibilities around you.
Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
At other times, I've been Severus Snape and John Sheridan. Tomorrow? Who knows? Oh well....
US military's top secret X-37B shuttle 'disappears' for two weeks, changes orbit
US military's top secret X-37B shuttle 'disappears' for two weeks
Several sources claim quote arms control advocates who say it's clearly the beginning of the "weaponisation of space".
LOL! Come on, folks! The USAF was blowing drone KC-135's out of the air over Edwards AFB prior to 1984 using ground-based THELs! What do you think all those military payloads were that the shuttle was taking up into orbit? Weaponized platforms have been in orbit at least since the 80's and they've only gotten smaller and more powerful with each passing year. The beginning of the weaponisation of space? Oh PUH-LEEZE! Enough with the disinformation! Just how stupid do they think we are? Get a clue, already!
Several sources claim quote arms control advocates who say it's clearly the beginning of the "weaponisation of space".
LOL! Come on, folks! The USAF was blowing drone KC-135's out of the air over Edwards AFB prior to 1984 using ground-based THELs! What do you think all those military payloads were that the shuttle was taking up into orbit? Weaponized platforms have been in orbit at least since the 80's and they've only gotten smaller and more powerful with each passing year. The beginning of the weaponisation of space? Oh PUH-LEEZE! Enough with the disinformation! Just how stupid do they think we are? Get a clue, already!
Monday, August 23, 2010
New "Laser" Weapon Debuts in LA County Jail
New "Laser" Weapon Debuts in LA County Jail
There's nothing NEW about this technology! The weapon system is simply getting a "real world" application, instead of a "covert" application, which means that the Powers-That-Be already have a weapon system that's two or three generations ahead of this one. In short, they don't need this weapon system anymore, because they've got something even smaller and better. So, now it's time to turn a profit and give this technology to their "in the public eye" minions to use as a toy to further control the Great Unwashed. Do you really think that they don't have weaponized platforms in orbit that can do the same job and worse!? Wake up, people! You're slaves and your owners can do anything they want with you. Your illusion of freedom is just that -- an illusion!
There's nothing NEW about this technology! The weapon system is simply getting a "real world" application, instead of a "covert" application, which means that the Powers-That-Be already have a weapon system that's two or three generations ahead of this one. In short, they don't need this weapon system anymore, because they've got something even smaller and better. So, now it's time to turn a profit and give this technology to their "in the public eye" minions to use as a toy to further control the Great Unwashed. Do you really think that they don't have weaponized platforms in orbit that can do the same job and worse!? Wake up, people! You're slaves and your owners can do anything they want with you. Your illusion of freedom is just that -- an illusion!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
A House of Prayer For All People?
A House of Prayer For All People?
It boils down to respect for HaShem and respect for one's fellow creatures, because HaShem is the ALL within the ALL of the Creation.
Why wear a mini-skirt or a bikini whilst walking down the streets of the Mea Sharim neighborhood of Jerusalem? To show everyone the beauty of HaShem's Creation? Give me a break....
People tend to do things just to tick other people off and not because they're standing up for some professed principle or some just cause. If HaShem wants to ruffle feathers, then let HIM do the ruffling!
Want to truly worship HaShem? Then turn to HaKodesh Baruch Hu and respect His Guardians! Do a mitzvah and repair your soul and the world! Perform a genuine act of loving-kindness! Joyfully and secretly donate to a charity that doesn't spend 90% on overhead costs. How hard is that?
No, I'm not a Jew, so just let me comment on the non-Jewish followers of JC.
Save for a relative few, the vast majority believe that the man is HaShem Himself or that he's part of some incomprehensible 3-in-1 Deity combo-pack.
If such people are going to the Kotel to worship JC, then they might just as well be praying to any number of pagan deities. In short, their avodah zarah should be eschewed and done in their own "sacred space."
As for Jews who believe in either of the aforementioned versions of JC, I don't understand them and never will - may their fellow Jews educate them away from such avodah zarah.
Bottom line? Jew or Gentile, man or woman, if you're going to the Kotel or any other place that's been sanctified for the service of OUR Heavenly Father, HaKodesh Baruch Hu, then follow the customs and instructions and even the strict measures of the Guardians of that place. How hard is that?
Recommended Reading:
Secrets of the Future Temple - Mishkney Elyon (Dwellings of the Supreme) by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto as translated by Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum
It boils down to respect for HaShem and respect for one's fellow creatures, because HaShem is the ALL within the ALL of the Creation.
Why wear a mini-skirt or a bikini whilst walking down the streets of the Mea Sharim neighborhood of Jerusalem? To show everyone the beauty of HaShem's Creation? Give me a break....
People tend to do things just to tick other people off and not because they're standing up for some professed principle or some just cause. If HaShem wants to ruffle feathers, then let HIM do the ruffling!
Want to truly worship HaShem? Then turn to HaKodesh Baruch Hu and respect His Guardians! Do a mitzvah and repair your soul and the world! Perform a genuine act of loving-kindness! Joyfully and secretly donate to a charity that doesn't spend 90% on overhead costs. How hard is that?
No, I'm not a Jew, so just let me comment on the non-Jewish followers of JC.
Save for a relative few, the vast majority believe that the man is HaShem Himself or that he's part of some incomprehensible 3-in-1 Deity combo-pack.
If such people are going to the Kotel to worship JC, then they might just as well be praying to any number of pagan deities. In short, their avodah zarah should be eschewed and done in their own "sacred space."
As for Jews who believe in either of the aforementioned versions of JC, I don't understand them and never will - may their fellow Jews educate them away from such avodah zarah.
Bottom line? Jew or Gentile, man or woman, if you're going to the Kotel or any other place that's been sanctified for the service of OUR Heavenly Father, HaKodesh Baruch Hu, then follow the customs and instructions and even the strict measures of the Guardians of that place. How hard is that?
Recommended Reading:
Secrets of the Future Temple - Mishkney Elyon (Dwellings of the Supreme) by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto as translated by Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Israeli Supreme Court on Rocket Defense
Israeli Supreme Court on Rocket Defense
This article is full of disinformation about the so-called limitations of the THEL, including the "cost". The Iron Dome is 3rd World technology compared to THEL. Once THEL is up and running, HAMAS and Iran and all their terrorist buddies will be S.O.L. and be right back to square one - snipers, suicide bombers and rock throwers. The only real problem with THEL is that black market weapons dealers won't be able to unload their surplus of rockets and missiles to HAMAS and their ilk.
The Israelis aren't stupid! They know the REAL information regarding THEL, because they helped to develop the technology! Don't believe the media hype about Iron Dome being a superior defense system.
The public needs to wake up! The LameStreamMedia continues to spread the disinformation that THEL and MTHEL is just a proto-type and that Star Wars - complete with weaponized space platforms - is just an idea that never got off the ground. It's a lie! Astronauts and politicians and others have been murdered to keep the truth of Star Wars a secret from the American Sheeple and the world-at-large!
Folks, they've got the ability to zap anything they want to from the ground or from space. Rain and fog!? Give me a freaking break! THEL can be used in any weather and the distance is only limited by the amount of power being pumped into the system. Crank it up enough and you can hit multiple targets thousands of miles away from space-based THELs and anything that's in the line-of-sight for ground-based THELs.
Some Israeli kid on youtube tried to tell me THEL could be thwarted by a mirror-surfaced rocket or highly polished missiles! LOL! That just shows you how much disinformation is out there on the Internet about this weapon-defense system. Wake up, folks! This is technology that literally dates back to the late 70's and it's only gotten smaller and better with each passing year.
And you don't even want to know what the Back-Room Boyz have got waiting in the wings. War with China? Don't sweat it! They've got it covered, but that doesn't mean that the War Corporatist aren't going to make a bundle. If people only knew that a World War could be over in a matter of minutes by zapping the enemy from space.... ::::heavy sigh:::: Go on believing the media hype and the disinformation, folks! You might sleep better believing in the lies that you're being told and sold.
This article is full of disinformation about the so-called limitations of the THEL, including the "cost". The Iron Dome is 3rd World technology compared to THEL. Once THEL is up and running, HAMAS and Iran and all their terrorist buddies will be S.O.L. and be right back to square one - snipers, suicide bombers and rock throwers. The only real problem with THEL is that black market weapons dealers won't be able to unload their surplus of rockets and missiles to HAMAS and their ilk.
The Israelis aren't stupid! They know the REAL information regarding THEL, because they helped to develop the technology! Don't believe the media hype about Iron Dome being a superior defense system.
The public needs to wake up! The LameStreamMedia continues to spread the disinformation that THEL and MTHEL is just a proto-type and that Star Wars - complete with weaponized space platforms - is just an idea that never got off the ground. It's a lie! Astronauts and politicians and others have been murdered to keep the truth of Star Wars a secret from the American Sheeple and the world-at-large!
Folks, they've got the ability to zap anything they want to from the ground or from space. Rain and fog!? Give me a freaking break! THEL can be used in any weather and the distance is only limited by the amount of power being pumped into the system. Crank it up enough and you can hit multiple targets thousands of miles away from space-based THELs and anything that's in the line-of-sight for ground-based THELs.
Some Israeli kid on youtube tried to tell me THEL could be thwarted by a mirror-surfaced rocket or highly polished missiles! LOL! That just shows you how much disinformation is out there on the Internet about this weapon-defense system. Wake up, folks! This is technology that literally dates back to the late 70's and it's only gotten smaller and better with each passing year.
And you don't even want to know what the Back-Room Boyz have got waiting in the wings. War with China? Don't sweat it! They've got it covered, but that doesn't mean that the War Corporatist aren't going to make a bundle. If people only knew that a World War could be over in a matter of minutes by zapping the enemy from space.... ::::heavy sigh:::: Go on believing the media hype and the disinformation, folks! You might sleep better believing in the lies that you're being told and sold.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Give me that old time rhetoric!
Loved the rhetoric. The man might even have believed in it himself. Who knows? But at the end of the day, all politics is a facade.
In the movie BLADE, Blade (actor Wesley Snipes) turns to Dr. Karen Jensen (actress N'Bushe Wright) and tells her, "You better wake up. The world you live in is just a sugar-coated topping! There is another world beneath it - the real world. And if you wanna survive it, you better learn to pull the trigger!"
Not that I advocate "pulling the trigger," but the part about people only wanting to see the "sugar-coated topping" is true enough.
You can't fight the System or the Establishment. Revolutions never work. It would take an act of HaShem in order to repair the world and since HaKodesh Baruch Hu doesn't fund His Own Kingship with the kind of money He puts into the hands of the so-called Powers-That-Be ... why bother?
His Will be done! Let the world run amok and just focus on fixing the man in the mirror. What else can one really do? Politics ain't the answer to mankind's systemic problem -- the Yetzer HaRa.
One of these days humanity will wake up and smell the coffee. And if we don't? Good riddance! The earth abides....
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Fearing G-d, Not So Much
Fearing G-d, Not So Much
And for those for whom existence in the Creator's Creation has become a source of constant punishment - regardless of one's charity and good deeds?
It's difficult for a child to fear punishment, when the belt comes out for each and every action. Bad deeds are punished. Misdeeds are punished. Even good deeds are punished. Fear gives way to resignation, depression and apathy.
One of my former co-workers seriously believed that the Earth was Gehinnom, a prison planet - sort of a twist on the Gnostic notion that humanity is perpetually being re-imprisoned in "meat suits" on planet earth by the Archons of the Demiurge. For him, life had become little more than a prison sentence with few if any perks.
And the World's System is designed to keep everyone caged with our wings clipped. And when a superior soul and/or a child prodigy does appear on the world stage, like 14 year old, Moshe Raziel Sharify, and said neshamah dares to garner support and stretch forth its wings ... the Establishment is quick to shoot him down.
Security, belonging, self-esteem, self-actualization and transcendence comprise the hierarchy of humans needs. Sadly, the World's System seems designed to prevent the masses from achieving these and since HaShem orchestrates the Multiverse ... how can one fear HaKodesh Baruch Hu when existence has become an abyss?
I'm sorry, but Rabbi Brody's "Special Forces Training" metaphor falls flat when one's hands and feet are constantly being bound and re-bound by the vicisitudes of life.
Even Houdini wasn't on-stage and/or in jail 24/7. And how many of us have his knowledge and skill-level? Not many, because the World's System and the Establishment that runs it just won't allow it.
Why have wings if not to fly?
And for those for whom existence in the Creator's Creation has become a source of constant punishment - regardless of one's charity and good deeds?
It's difficult for a child to fear punishment, when the belt comes out for each and every action. Bad deeds are punished. Misdeeds are punished. Even good deeds are punished. Fear gives way to resignation, depression and apathy.
One of my former co-workers seriously believed that the Earth was Gehinnom, a prison planet - sort of a twist on the Gnostic notion that humanity is perpetually being re-imprisoned in "meat suits" on planet earth by the Archons of the Demiurge. For him, life had become little more than a prison sentence with few if any perks.
And the World's System is designed to keep everyone caged with our wings clipped. And when a superior soul and/or a child prodigy does appear on the world stage, like 14 year old, Moshe Raziel Sharify, and said neshamah dares to garner support and stretch forth its wings ... the Establishment is quick to shoot him down.
Security, belonging, self-esteem, self-actualization and transcendence comprise the hierarchy of humans needs. Sadly, the World's System seems designed to prevent the masses from achieving these and since HaShem orchestrates the Multiverse ... how can one fear HaKodesh Baruch Hu when existence has become an abyss?
I'm sorry, but Rabbi Brody's "Special Forces Training" metaphor falls flat when one's hands and feet are constantly being bound and re-bound by the vicisitudes of life.
Even Houdini wasn't on-stage and/or in jail 24/7. And how many of us have his knowledge and skill-level? Not many, because the World's System and the Establishment that runs it just won't allow it.
Why have wings if not to fly?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Young rabbi-wannabe struggles for recognition
Young rabbi-wannabe struggles for recognition
08/12/2010 03:30
Moshe Raziel Sharify, 14, wants to be ordained, but rabbinate has disqualified his exam.
At the tender age of 14, Moshe Raziel Sharify has managed to stir up a righteous controversy inside the Chief Rabbinate.
Sharify, considered by many to be a child prodigy, desperately wants to become a rabbi and doesn’t see the need to wait another eight years to reach the minimum age set by the Chief Rabbinate for a man to take the ordination exam.
In an exclusive article to be published in Friday’s Magazine, Jerusalem Post contributor Rhonda Spivak brings the story of a truly gifted Netanya teenager who has the backing of some dozen serious rabbinical figures for his bid to become Israel’s – and possibly the world’s – youngest rabbi.
Over the past year, Sharify has undergone 10 thorough examinations, all of which were given by well-respected rabbis who were unanimously impressed by Sharify’s intellectual capabilities. Even Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger initially supported Sharify’s bid to take the ordination exam, but Metzger was overruled by Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar.
The Post has learned that several years ago, the rabbinate, in an informal and unofficial internal ruling, decided to set 22 as the minimum age for a candidate to take the ordination exam.
This, however, did not stop the rabbinate from inviting the 14-year-old Sharify to take the exam in Jerusalem after receiving the boy’s application, which included his date of birth.
Last month, Sharify arrived at the city’s International Convention Center early and took the test. He’s convinced he aced it.
But the rabbinate refuses to mark his examination, saying his taking the test “was a mistake” in the first place. Now Sharify’s father is threatening to take the Chief Rabbinate to court if his son’s exam is not marked like all other rabbinic candidates’.
At age 10, Sharify entered and won the Netanya Bible Quiz. The following year, he entered and won first place in the Central Region Bible Quiz.
Until the turmoil surrounding Sharify is resolved, he will continue to study in the Yishuv Hadassah Yeshiva in Tel Aviv, and play soccer with his friends.
Train a child in the way that he should go.... Why? So the Establishment can punch him in the stomach and kick him in the teeth and block that child's every effort to obtain a sense of belonging, self-esteem, self-actualization and transcendence. Dumb them down! Keep them stupid! And, above all else, urinate on their dreams and keep them penniless and dependent on the Great Guvamint Spoon and the droppings of the Powers-That-Be!
The world is a vampire and the Establishment isn't happy unless everyone consents to being just another rat in their cage. >:[
08/12/2010 03:30
Moshe Raziel Sharify, 14, wants to be ordained, but rabbinate has disqualified his exam.
At the tender age of 14, Moshe Raziel Sharify has managed to stir up a righteous controversy inside the Chief Rabbinate.
Sharify, considered by many to be a child prodigy, desperately wants to become a rabbi and doesn’t see the need to wait another eight years to reach the minimum age set by the Chief Rabbinate for a man to take the ordination exam.
In an exclusive article to be published in Friday’s Magazine, Jerusalem Post contributor Rhonda Spivak brings the story of a truly gifted Netanya teenager who has the backing of some dozen serious rabbinical figures for his bid to become Israel’s – and possibly the world’s – youngest rabbi.
Over the past year, Sharify has undergone 10 thorough examinations, all of which were given by well-respected rabbis who were unanimously impressed by Sharify’s intellectual capabilities. Even Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger initially supported Sharify’s bid to take the ordination exam, but Metzger was overruled by Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar.
The Post has learned that several years ago, the rabbinate, in an informal and unofficial internal ruling, decided to set 22 as the minimum age for a candidate to take the ordination exam.
This, however, did not stop the rabbinate from inviting the 14-year-old Sharify to take the exam in Jerusalem after receiving the boy’s application, which included his date of birth.
Last month, Sharify arrived at the city’s International Convention Center early and took the test. He’s convinced he aced it.
But the rabbinate refuses to mark his examination, saying his taking the test “was a mistake” in the first place. Now Sharify’s father is threatening to take the Chief Rabbinate to court if his son’s exam is not marked like all other rabbinic candidates’.
At age 10, Sharify entered and won the Netanya Bible Quiz. The following year, he entered and won first place in the Central Region Bible Quiz.
Until the turmoil surrounding Sharify is resolved, he will continue to study in the Yishuv Hadassah Yeshiva in Tel Aviv, and play soccer with his friends.
Train a child in the way that he should go.... Why? So the Establishment can punch him in the stomach and kick him in the teeth and block that child's every effort to obtain a sense of belonging, self-esteem, self-actualization and transcendence. Dumb them down! Keep them stupid! And, above all else, urinate on their dreams and keep them penniless and dependent on the Great Guvamint Spoon and the droppings of the Powers-That-Be!
The world is a vampire and the Establishment isn't happy unless everyone consents to being just another rat in their cage. >:[
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Stephen Hawking: Abandon the Earth
Stephen Hawking: Abandon the Earth
Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has some advice for the people of Earth - it's time to get off.
"I believe that the long-term future of the human race must be in space," Hawking said to Big Think , a global forum that includes interviews with experts.
"It will be difficult enough to avoid disaster on planet Earth in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand, or million. The human race shouldn't have all its eggs in one basket, or on one planet. Let's hope we can avoid dropping the basket until we have spread the load."
I've been saying this for decades upon decades now!!!!
My grandfather was of the opinion that we shouldn't even be messing with outerspace. I agree with him, but not for his reasons. I agree with him, because Frank Zappa and George Carlin were right.
Until we humans pull our head out of our individual and collective arse, there's no point in taking what humanity has to offer out into the solar system or the galaxy or the universe or the multiverse. Until we get our act together right here on Mother Earth and realize and actualize the DOCTRINE of ONENESS (or IDIC for you Trekkies and Trekkers out there), then ... there's really no point in taking our stupidity and insanity and violence and our devotion to enabling WAR CORPORATISM beyond our beautiful Big Blue Marble.
Seriously, folks! Get it together! And that goes tripple for the Powers-That-Be that fuel our economy (and their lust for power) on War Corporatism.
Hey, Mr. Money Bags! There's gold in them there hills! Stop killing and start exploring! What!? You can't somach the vision of Gene Roddenberry? Did the movie AVATAR teach you nothing!? We've got abundant energy and a plethora of resources in OUTER SPACE! YET, we don't have to make and drop bombs in order to earn a bucket, feel powerful and get our rocks off on our ability to destroy. We need only become explorers and utilizers of the myriad of resources that our Beloved Heavenly Father has given to us as our PATRIMONY! In order to do this, we have to first respect ourselves and learn to respect OTHERS!!!
Pull your head out and get a freaking clue, already! Start loving and stop hating! Start being your brother's keeper and stop being your brother's murderer! Is that so freaking difficult!?!?!? It's only like one of the first (or second) lessons we learn from the Holy Scriptures, no? Hello, McFly!!!!
Look.... It's simple.... Our sun is eventually going to fizzle out. We'll eventually have to leave this tiny stellar life raft and venture out into space anyways. Unless, of course, we've got a collective Death Wish! I say, let's start turning to OUTER SPACE if for no other reason than that of the Boy Scout motto - BE PREPARED! Let's put away our freaking knifes and start loving one another and work together to leave this wonderful planet BEFORE it's too late. Isn't that logical? Doesn't that make more sense than screwing unto others before they screw unto you?
::::heavy sigh:::: I write and no one reads.... What's the point? :(
Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has some advice for the people of Earth - it's time to get off.
"I believe that the long-term future of the human race must be in space," Hawking said to Big Think , a global forum that includes interviews with experts.
"It will be difficult enough to avoid disaster on planet Earth in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand, or million. The human race shouldn't have all its eggs in one basket, or on one planet. Let's hope we can avoid dropping the basket until we have spread the load."
I've been saying this for decades upon decades now!!!!
My grandfather was of the opinion that we shouldn't even be messing with outerspace. I agree with him, but not for his reasons. I agree with him, because Frank Zappa and George Carlin were right.
Until we humans pull our head out of our individual and collective arse, there's no point in taking what humanity has to offer out into the solar system or the galaxy or the universe or the multiverse. Until we get our act together right here on Mother Earth and realize and actualize the DOCTRINE of ONENESS (or IDIC for you Trekkies and Trekkers out there), then ... there's really no point in taking our stupidity and insanity and violence and our devotion to enabling WAR CORPORATISM beyond our beautiful Big Blue Marble.
Seriously, folks! Get it together! And that goes tripple for the Powers-That-Be that fuel our economy (and their lust for power) on War Corporatism.
Hey, Mr. Money Bags! There's gold in them there hills! Stop killing and start exploring! What!? You can't somach the vision of Gene Roddenberry? Did the movie AVATAR teach you nothing!? We've got abundant energy and a plethora of resources in OUTER SPACE! YET, we don't have to make and drop bombs in order to earn a bucket, feel powerful and get our rocks off on our ability to destroy. We need only become explorers and utilizers of the myriad of resources that our Beloved Heavenly Father has given to us as our PATRIMONY! In order to do this, we have to first respect ourselves and learn to respect OTHERS!!!
Pull your head out and get a freaking clue, already! Start loving and stop hating! Start being your brother's keeper and stop being your brother's murderer! Is that so freaking difficult!?!?!? It's only like one of the first (or second) lessons we learn from the Holy Scriptures, no? Hello, McFly!!!!
Look.... It's simple.... Our sun is eventually going to fizzle out. We'll eventually have to leave this tiny stellar life raft and venture out into space anyways. Unless, of course, we've got a collective Death Wish! I say, let's start turning to OUTER SPACE if for no other reason than that of the Boy Scout motto - BE PREPARED! Let's put away our freaking knifes and start loving one another and work together to leave this wonderful planet BEFORE it's too late. Isn't that logical? Doesn't that make more sense than screwing unto others before they screw unto you?
::::heavy sigh:::: I write and no one reads.... What's the point? :(
Monday, August 9, 2010
INCOMING CME: The solar eruption of August 7th might affect Earth after all. Newly-arriving data from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) show a CME heading our way with a significant Earth-directed component.
With this hitting at the time of the perigee (August 10th) we ought to see some interesting earthquake activity over the next three or four days. During the last CME the tides weren't high enough to trigger any 5+ activity in California, but with the perigee comes high tides. That added weight on the plates and the CME shaking the magnetic field ought to spawn at least one 5+ in CA. I'd lay money on at least a 5+ within 150 miles of LA. Also, look for at least one 7+ in the ring of fire and a handful of 6+ around the globe over the next three or four days. Who knows...? We might even see a really big one.
With this hitting at the time of the perigee (August 10th) we ought to see some interesting earthquake activity over the next three or four days. During the last CME the tides weren't high enough to trigger any 5+ activity in California, but with the perigee comes high tides. That added weight on the plates and the CME shaking the magnetic field ought to spawn at least one 5+ in CA. I'd lay money on at least a 5+ within 150 miles of LA. Also, look for at least one 7+ in the ring of fire and a handful of 6+ around the globe over the next three or four days. Who knows...? We might even see a really big one.
Smoking in the car is child abuse
Smoking in the car is child abuse, GP Steve Field warns
I couldn't agree more!!! Pick one or the other, but not both! Slowly kill yourself? Fine! Slowly kill your kids? No way! I lived with smoking parents and the second I could join the military to escape them ... I did!
I couldn't agree more!!! Pick one or the other, but not both! Slowly kill yourself? Fine! Slowly kill your kids? No way! I lived with smoking parents and the second I could join the military to escape them ... I did!
Giant Brazilian Temple Replica Panned as 'Mockery'
Giant Brazilian Temple Replica Panned as 'Mockery'
Edir Macedo won't live to see a replica of the Temple built in Brazil.
Edir Macedo won't live to see a replica of the Temple built in Brazil.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Spacequakes Rumble Near Earth
Spacequakes Rumble Near Earth
Don't buy this? Look at all the 5+ quakes that appear across the globe three to four days following a CME and the resulting auroras. ;) Throw some syzygy (with a 5 day plus or minus window) and the high tides (and rainfall) into the mix and you'll notice even larger quakes!
Look for a number of 5+ quakes to rock the Earth around Aug 3rd-4th and since this follows the high tides of July 27th and the syzygy of July 28th, the CME induced spacequakes might trigger something even larger than a 5+, especially along the CA coast:
COMPLEX ERUPTION ON THE SUN: On August 1st around 0855 UT, Earth orbiting satellites detected a C3-class solar flare. The origin of the blast was sunspot 1092. At about the same time, an enormous magnetic filament stretching across the sun's northern hemisphere erupted. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the action:
Click to launch a movie.
In this movie, a shadowy shock wave (a "solar tsunami") can be seen emerging from the flare site and rippling across the northern hemisphere into the filament's eruption zone. That may have helped propel the filament into space.
In short, we have just witnessed a complex global eruption involving almost the entire Earth-facing side of the sun.
A coronal mass ejection (CME) produced by the event is heading directly for Earth: SOHO movie. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras when it arrives on or about August 3rd.
See also, Lunar Perigee and Apogee Calculator.
See also, National Weather - 24 Hour Loop.
Don't buy this? Look at all the 5+ quakes that appear across the globe three to four days following a CME and the resulting auroras. ;) Throw some syzygy (with a 5 day plus or minus window) and the high tides (and rainfall) into the mix and you'll notice even larger quakes!
Look for a number of 5+ quakes to rock the Earth around Aug 3rd-4th and since this follows the high tides of July 27th and the syzygy of July 28th, the CME induced spacequakes might trigger something even larger than a 5+, especially along the CA coast:
COMPLEX ERUPTION ON THE SUN: On August 1st around 0855 UT, Earth orbiting satellites detected a C3-class solar flare. The origin of the blast was sunspot 1092. At about the same time, an enormous magnetic filament stretching across the sun's northern hemisphere erupted. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the action:
Click to launch a movie.
In this movie, a shadowy shock wave (a "solar tsunami") can be seen emerging from the flare site and rippling across the northern hemisphere into the filament's eruption zone. That may have helped propel the filament into space.
In short, we have just witnessed a complex global eruption involving almost the entire Earth-facing side of the sun.
A coronal mass ejection (CME) produced by the event is heading directly for Earth: SOHO movie. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras when it arrives on or about August 3rd.
See also, Lunar Perigee and Apogee Calculator.
See also, National Weather - 24 Hour Loop.
Harder to Find The Truth
Harder to Find The Truth
Rebbe Schneerson, zt"l, says like this:
There are many truths. There is a truth for every being and for every particle of the universe - for each one reflects its Master in a different way.
To seek truth means more than finding your own truth. It means finding a truth that works for you and for the other guy, for now and forever, in this place and everywhere, for the body and for the soul, for the sage and for the young, innocent child.
The highter the truth, the fewer boundaries it knows.[1]
There are two paths you could take: An easier path or a harder one.
Knowing that [HaShem] is everything, you may wish to reject all the world stands for. Since everything is emptiness, you may deny yourself even basic necessities, living far and removed from the banalities of mankind, engaging only in the truths of the spirit, running from the confines of physical, mundane life.
This is the easier path.
On the other hand, knowing that within each thing [HaShem] can be found, you may be inspired to refine and elevate our world, struggling with all its facets to find their true purpose, grabbing every opportunity to squeeze out a little more of the world's inherent goodness, living a spiritual life by using physical things in an enlightened way.
Both paths are true paths, and great sages have tread them both. But the second, more difficult one is the one we will all have the most benefit from, espeically today.[2]
[1] = pg.105, "Bringing Heaven Down to Earth, compiled by Tzvi Freeman," 1999.
[2] = pg. 107, ibid.
Rebbe Schneerson, zt"l, says like this:
There are many truths. There is a truth for every being and for every particle of the universe - for each one reflects its Master in a different way.
To seek truth means more than finding your own truth. It means finding a truth that works for you and for the other guy, for now and forever, in this place and everywhere, for the body and for the soul, for the sage and for the young, innocent child.
The highter the truth, the fewer boundaries it knows.[1]
There are two paths you could take: An easier path or a harder one.
Knowing that [HaShem] is everything, you may wish to reject all the world stands for. Since everything is emptiness, you may deny yourself even basic necessities, living far and removed from the banalities of mankind, engaging only in the truths of the spirit, running from the confines of physical, mundane life.
This is the easier path.
On the other hand, knowing that within each thing [HaShem] can be found, you may be inspired to refine and elevate our world, struggling with all its facets to find their true purpose, grabbing every opportunity to squeeze out a little more of the world's inherent goodness, living a spiritual life by using physical things in an enlightened way.
Both paths are true paths, and great sages have tread them both. But the second, more difficult one is the one we will all have the most benefit from, espeically today.[2]
[1] = pg.105, "Bringing Heaven Down to Earth, compiled by Tzvi Freeman," 1999.
[2] = pg. 107, ibid.
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