Thursday, August 19, 2010

Israeli Supreme Court on Rocket Defense

Israeli Supreme Court on Rocket Defense

This article is full of disinformation about the so-called limitations of the THEL, including the "cost". The Iron Dome is 3rd World technology compared to THEL. Once THEL is up and running, HAMAS and Iran and all their terrorist buddies will be S.O.L. and be right back to square one - snipers, suicide bombers and rock throwers. The only real problem with THEL is that black market weapons dealers won't be able to unload their surplus of rockets and missiles to HAMAS and their ilk.

The Israelis aren't stupid! They know the REAL information regarding THEL, because they helped to develop the technology! Don't believe the media hype about Iron Dome being a superior defense system.

The public needs to wake up! The LameStreamMedia continues to spread the disinformation that THEL and MTHEL is just a proto-type and that Star Wars - complete with weaponized space platforms - is just an idea that never got off the ground. It's a lie! Astronauts and politicians and others have been murdered to keep the truth of Star Wars a secret from the American Sheeple and the world-at-large!

Folks, they've got the ability to zap anything they want to from the ground or from space. Rain and fog!? Give me a freaking break! THEL can be used in any weather and the distance is only limited by the amount of power being pumped into the system. Crank it up enough and you can hit multiple targets thousands of miles away from space-based THELs and anything that's in the line-of-sight for ground-based THELs.

Some Israeli kid on youtube tried to tell me THEL could be thwarted by a mirror-surfaced rocket or highly polished missiles! LOL! That just shows you how much disinformation is out there on the Internet about this weapon-defense system. Wake up, folks! This is technology that literally dates back to the late 70's and it's only gotten smaller and better with each passing year.

And you don't even want to know what the Back-Room Boyz have got waiting in the wings. War with China? Don't sweat it! They've got it covered, but that doesn't mean that the War Corporatist aren't going to make a bundle. If people only knew that a World War could be over in a matter of minutes by zapping the enemy from space.... ::::heavy sigh:::: Go on believing the media hype and the disinformation, folks! You might sleep better believing in the lies that you're being told and sold.

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