Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fearing G-d, Not So Much

Fearing G-d, Not So Much


And for those for whom existence in the Creator's Creation has become a source of constant punishment - regardless of one's charity and good deeds?

It's difficult for a child to fear punishment, when the belt comes out for each and every action. Bad deeds are punished. Misdeeds are punished. Even good deeds are punished. Fear gives way to resignation, depression and apathy.

One of my former co-workers seriously believed that the Earth was Gehinnom, a prison planet - sort of a twist on the Gnostic notion that humanity is perpetually being re-imprisoned in "meat suits" on planet earth by the Archons of the Demiurge. For him, life had become little more than a prison sentence with few if any perks.

And the World's System is designed to keep everyone caged with our wings clipped. And when a superior soul and/or a child prodigy does appear on the world stage, like 14 year old, Moshe Raziel Sharify, and said neshamah dares to garner support and stretch forth its wings ... the Establishment is quick to shoot him down.

Security, belonging, self-esteem, self-actualization and transcendence comprise the hierarchy of humans needs. Sadly, the World's System seems designed to prevent the masses from achieving these and since HaShem orchestrates the Multiverse ... how can one fear HaKodesh Baruch Hu when existence has become an abyss?

I'm sorry, but Rabbi Brody's "Special Forces Training" metaphor falls flat when one's hands and feet are constantly being bound and re-bound by the vicisitudes of life.

Even Houdini wasn't on-stage and/or in jail 24/7. And how many of us have his knowledge and skill-level? Not many, because the World's System and the Establishment that runs it just won't allow it.

Why have wings if not to fly?

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